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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nutrition Question:  Why do I Over Eat?

By:  Chef Charles Michael
Part 1 of 2

In North American it is predominately appetite which causes us to eat, not hunger as in third world countries. 

Your appetite is psychological in nature and has little to do with your biological needs, even though the food is used just the same.  We treat ourselves without a feeling of hunger for a reward for a hard day’s work, to ease and comfort ourselves in a breakup of a relationship or because it’s a family holiday and our mothers are made proud by us overeating. 

With 2/3 of Americans overweight or obese, and few of these people starving, we might just stop listening to nutritionists and dietitians and go see our shrink for better results.

Food is a symbol of acceptance, warmth and friendliness.  People eat food that is readably available and market conditions affect those choices.  Studies show that the period before eating; moods are described as restless, tense unable to concentrate.  After eating moods are calm, relaxed and able to concentrate.  

Are we using food as a drug to self medicates ourselves into a better mood?  This is a popular belief in why obese people have such a hard time breaking the cycle of eating.  There is a reason comfort food is called that, its large portion loaded with butter and salt sooths the soul making the eater sleepy and it is medicine for those needing to escape,

While eating at a fast food restaurant provides basic nourishment to get you through the day, eating at a 4 or 5 star restaurant is a reward and many times, a show of status.  “I order a bottle of wine or two and a 32 ounce porterhouse steak because; I’m rich and can afford it.”  These fat cat types are usually fat, as they are the business types that tend to sit at their desks all day and this is their entertainment.  They are usually seen drinking a cocktail, smoking a cigar and flirting with the young ladies at the bar.  No one knows this person better than a successful steakhouse, which caters to lawyers, accountants and other professional types who use eating as socialization and acceptance.

Do you ever wonder why you feel so good after over eating when you supersized an item for just a little more?  Well you get a sense of value and feel good about the decision mentally even though you may have stuffed your self and feel bad inside.  It is the same reason you are happy when you think a portion of your favorite dish was bigger than it normally is or sad when it looks smaller.  Perceived value is no better demonstrated than the all-you-can eat buffet where you will eat until they have to carry you out.  

Tomorrow, learn how to break the psychological ties to food.

About the Author:

Charles Kandutsch is author of a nutrition book entitled, Eat The Right Foods were its his belief that you can’t out run your appetite.  He also authored Cook The Right Foods a companion cookbook that teaches chefs healthy food preparation with over 300 recipes and instructions on steaming, stir frying and many other techniques.  Both books are available in print or eBook formats and are incorporated into the BURN 500TM weight loss program.  Chef Charles has trimmed approximately 100 pounds of fat from his body over the last 2 1/2 years which was accomplished through lifestyle changes and eating the right foods not dieting and exercise.  For information on books visit the website or contact Charles by email at

© Copyright – Charles M. Kandutsch.  All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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