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Saturday, January 4, 2014

With New Years being in the middle of the week and most having to go back to work before the weekend, may people are thinking about their New Years resolutions or will be setting them to start on Monday.  That said, many of you know that I have been putting together a healthy eating program that ties to the books I’ve authored while I lost over 100 pounds over the last 2 years. The program is called the Burn 500 Healthy Eating and Weight-loss Program and its 16-week course that teaches you to eat right with over 78 videos and 85 articles, daily tips, food tips, super foods briefs and recipes of the day.  This program is offered online & offline in the forms of 6-book set, 3-book/6-DVD set or in various eBook formats.  I would love for you to share or repost this to any friends who are experiencing weight issues.  The site is Thanks.


To get this entire work done, many of you know I banished myself to Wisconsin, which is like Siberia which will be -50 below on Monday.  Finishing this program was a resolution in 2012, which definitely made me change my lifestyle.  Not much happens here so I could throw myself 20 hours a day to the project and not miss anything until recently finished.  My 2014 resolution is to pull myself from recoding on my set, editing video on my pc, writing scripts and countless hours editing at the local coffee shop and spend more time reconnecting with friends, social media contacts and having more fun.  I started the year off in Minneapolis at a black tie masquerade party, having the time of my life.  While I have numerous business, personal, educational, professional and social goals, sometimes we just need to let lose and have fun.  No matter what you seek in life remember, there is nothing you can do about yesterday, tomorrow will never arrive so what you do now means living life the best you can.  For some the next bite you take can make a difference.

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