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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why is it so Hard to Change?

Many people think that they can change at the flip of a coin, a bet or a New Year’s resolution.  Nothing say’s it better than Mark Twains quote, “I don’t know why people have such a hard time quitting smoking.  I’ve done it hundreds of times myself.”  Sometimes a person approach to making a change is the reason it fails.  Successful people who quit smoking many times use a patch.  The patch allows you to gradually reduce smoking cravings until you can quit over time.  Depending on how much you smoke it can take several months or longer.  Losing weight is similar, where you just don’t start eating healthy one day “cold turkey.”  (Cold turkey is good start thoughJ)  Eating healthy is not a given meal, day or week’s worth of eating.  It’s weeks, months or years that make healthy eating natural side effects of losing weight and reduced risk of diet related chronic disease to occur.  To learn lifelong strategy for changing you’re eating habits to healthy, visit our 16-week healthy eating program at where we teach you to gradually augment your diet to lose 1-pound per week, an amount anyone can do.


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